Saturday, December 12, 2009

Burning to Succeed

Bismillahi Ar-Rahmani Ar-Rahim, In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

Alhamdulillah, thanks and perfect praise is only for Allah. The One who gives me the opportunity to further my study, widen my knowledge and eventually buildup the fact that how tiny and powerless we are. Every single step that I travel, every sign that I have observed and all the lessons that I take in I came to one conclusion that there is no God except Allah, The One and Only Master of all creation and the best Planner to all human being, MashaAllah.

A new semester recommenced signifies a new process of learning lies ahead of us. Throughout this period, we should apply our mind as much as we could. That’s what Dr.Waqar keeps telling aerospace students again and again: “Apply your Mind!”. In the end, you should realize that the sweetness of iman lies in the fruits of knowledge. The result of the process of thinking is absolutely awesome indeed.

All the way through my study as an aerospace student, there are lots of times where we learnt the behavior of air. Well, can you imagine how the mixture of gases which forms atmosphere has an ability to lift a heavy weighted aircraft? To lift an airplane you should simply have to apply your mind by manipulating the upper and lower pressure. And these require some technique. It is by then that you realize that all of the ecosystem or solar systems are in dynamically equilibrium. Masha Allah…We should really reflect, ponder and think! These are all the signs of how Mighty and Powerful He is, don’t you think so???

So, lets the stimulating begins!

P/S If you are burning to succeed, flash back to any page in the Quran.

The page will be the fuel to burn.

With best wishes to see you succeed,
Safi Ar-Rahman, Aerospace Engineering Student

Thursday, December 3, 2009

First-Rate Version of Yourself

Bismillahi Ar-Rahmani Ar-Rahim.

My esteemed friends and valued readers, Assalamualaikum!

Alhamdulillah, all praise and thanks is for Allah for giving me the golden opportunity to write and share here. Life is sure short and I understand that I wouldn't be long in this world. Life-to-come is a time without end. At that time there are no more turning back, not even a teeny-weeny chance. In spite of that the perfect praise is only for Allah.

A few days ago I’ve found Zain Bhikha’s new album “1415: The Beginning” which was released on 23rd October 2009 if I’m not mistaken (sorry I’m not very sure). 1415 simply marks the year where Zain Bhikha began recording that is in 1994/1415H. Most of his nasheed is well loved by all state of ages either teenagers or adults all over the world including me..hehee... Zain always stress on simplicity but with deep and reflective messages. A true nasheed always brings the remembrance of Allah and reminds us about our duty as a Muslim agent. Among of his popular nasheeds which I adore and enjoy is Eid-un Saeed-un, Go Forward Young Muslims, Turn to Allah, I Am a Muslim, Heart of a Muslim, Give Thanks to Allah, Cloud of Islam. You should try to listen to them sometimes for those who haven’t heard of it yet. It's very refreshing.

By the way, in this entry I would like to focus on his new nasheed from his new album entitled "Who I Am". Yeah...I couldn’t help liking it so much hence I wish to share it with you guys too. It’s very impressive and awesome, I’m pretty sure that this nasheed won’t let you down inshaAllah. I guarantee you two thumbs up. Here, take a look at this lyrics and listen to the melodious nasheed sung by Zain Bhikha featuring with Abdul Malik Ahmad:

Social Expectation drowns us all inside
What you have should be what I want
Cos what I have just aint alright
The clothes I wear, the way I comb my hair
How I live, oh I don’t care

This is who I am, this is me
Nothing, everything, can’t you see
Who I am, just let me be
Cos like it or not but God loves me
Who I am

He said, she said, they all did
What’s expected of them all
To get to the top don’t matter
If somebody’s gotta fall
You gotta brace the storm, the norms to conform
Get what you wants’ gonna kill us all


Beyond the body that you see
There’s so much more to me
And I feel best when my soul is free


They tell me this is the way
that I need to reform
If I continue to stray,
I’m gonna start up a storm

Wear this, drive that, like this, not that
Don’t dare lose track or you’ll fall way back
But if my Lord loves me then I know that I’m free
You can say what you please just let me be

I know if I’m real and it’s not a disguise
You’ll love who I am if you open up your eyes
I insist that you see, I aint a mystery
It’s who I wish to be, this is me

It’s what’s true within,
come and look again
Looking through the skin
This is Who I Am


There. Allah has created each human unique at the same time He also revealed the perfect way of life that fits with human nature. As a result Islam is a religion which caters our different personalities and diverse lifestyles yet Islam provides boundaries to keep us away from destructive and ruined elements. We ought to realize that there is nothing in Islam that is forbidden unless it is harmful to us and there is nothing in Islam which is obligatory unless there is benefit in it.

Allah has made Islam an easy religion for us to follow and it is a perfect and always suits with our daily lives. If we wish to please Allah and earn His Paradise then we have to stop worrying about what people will say and stop trying to please them, because our reward is within Allah’s hand, not with the people. As a Muslims, we have our own identity and principles. We shouldn’t imitate others especially the disbelievers and live up to people’s expectations if it is contradicted to syari’ah. Bare in mind that each of us will die and meet Allah individually so let us be the best Muslims for Allah even if it doesn’t meets peoples expectation. Maybe being ourselves would be a means of opening other people’s eyes to what Islam really teaches and the true meaning of taqwa.

Always be a first-rate version of yourself that earns Allah’s pleasure,
instead of a second-rate version of somebody else that earns Allah’s displeasure.


Zain Bhikha, a Muslim singer and songwriter

Friday, November 27, 2009

Tegarkah Aku

Rasulullah s.a.w pernah bersabda yang bermaksud:

“Aku melihat ke dalam syurga, maka aku melihat kebanyakan penduduknya adalah fuqara (orang-orang fakir) dan aku melihat ke dalam neraka maka aku menyaksikan kebanyakan penduduknya adalah wanita.” (Riwayat Bukhari dan Muslim daripada Ibnu Abbas dan Imran serta selain kedua-duanya)

Imam Qurthubi rahimahullah menjelaskan hadis di atas dengan pernyataannya:

“Penyebab sedikitnya kaum wanita yang masuk syurga adalah hawa nafsu yang mendominasi pada diri mereka, kecenderungan mereka kepada kesenangan-kesenangan dunia, dan berpaling dari akhirat kerana kurangnya akal mereka dan mudahnya mereka untuk tertipu dengan kesenangan-kesenangan dunia yang menyebabkan mereka lemah untuk beramal...”

Ini bukan pertama kali aku membacanya. Cuma baru-baru ini, bila terbaca balik perasaan gentar dan takut menyelinap di hati. Takut akan seksaan dan murka Allah. Kenapa? Sebab kematian itu suatu kepastian dan kita akan ditanya! Ujian di sana tidak seperti ujian di dunia yang jika gagal kita boleh ulang mengambil peperiksaan lain. Kegagalan di sana NERAKA tempatnya yang panasnya 70 kali ganda panas api di dunia ini. Soalan di sana bukan dijawab oleh mulut tetapi amal. Apakah yang kita akan jawab jika hidup kita bergelumang maksiat, suruhan Allah ditinggalkan dan larangan Allah dibuat?

Bila diteliti balik sabda Rasulullah s.a.w di atas ia bukan kenyataan ataupun ungkapan yang kosong semata-mata. Memang benar terdapat satu hadis Rasulullah s.a.w yang menceritakan pengalaman baginda bertemu Allah SWT di Sidratul Muntaha malam Israk Mikraj, di mana Allah SWT telah memperlihatkan kepadanya keadaan wanita yang kebanyakan mereka dihumban ke dalam api neraka lantaran beberapa kesalahan semasa berada di dunia.

Aku lihat ada perempuan digantung rambutnya, otak kepalanya menggelegak.

Aku lihat perempuan digantung lidahnya, tangannya diikat ke belakang dan timah cair dicurah ke dalam halkumnya (tekak).

Aku lihat perempuan yang digantung kedua-dua kakinya terikat, tangannya diikat ke ubun-ubunnya, didatangkan ular dan kala.

Aku lihat perempuan yang memakan dagingnya sendiri, di bawahnya dinyalakan api neraka.

Aku lihat perempuan mukanya hitam dan memakan tali perutnya sendiri.

Aku lihat perempuan yang telinga pekak dan matanya buta, diisikan ke dalam peti yang diperbuat daripada api neraka, otaknya keluar daripada lubang hidung, badan bau busuk kerana penyakit kusta dan sopak.

Aku lihat perempuan yang kepalanya seperti babi, badannya seperti himar dengan pelbagai kesengsaraan dihadapinya.

Aku lihat perempuan yang rupanya seperti anjing, kala dan ular masuk ke kemaluannya, mulut dan pelepasnya (punggung). Malaikat memukulnya dengan corong api neraka.

Sistem pesanan ringkas yang ku terima dari senior ku:

Dengan kecantikanmu, kau lebih elok dari matahari,
Dengan akhlakmu, kau lebih wangi dari haruman,
Dengan rendah hatimu, kau lebih tinggi dari rembulan,
Dengan kelembutanmu, kau lebih halus dari rintik hujan

Ya Allah, tegarkah aku dalam mempertahankan keindahan ini,
Menjadi sayap kiri perjuangan, penegak kalimah Allah di muka bumi.

Duhai diri,

Dan serikandi mujahidah sejati,
Jagalah diri, Hiasi peribadi,
Seindah mawar berduri,
Moga Allah senantiasa di hati

Dalam memenangi pandangan dan redhaMu,
Safi Ar-Rahman

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Salam Eidul Adha 1430H

Kullu 'Am Wa Antum bi Alfi Khair

P/S: The Prophet Muhammad's last sermon was offered on the occasion of the only Hajj he ever performed in his lifetime. Peace and blessings be upon him. Read the sermon not only for the wisdom it offers, but also, try to close your eyes and picture yourself there, with the thousands of other Muslims who were. It will be hard not to cry.

What’s Hurting Me?

When the Prophet s.a.w stood on the plain of Arafah and gave his farewell speech he said to the Ummah,

"Treat the women kindly!"

Memang sukar untuk ku melupakan peristiwa itu. Bila dikenangkan, ku hampir menitiskan air mata. Kecewa, sedih dan terkejut dengan apa yang berlaku. Tapi itulah susunan Allah, pasti terselit hikmah untuk dijadikan pedoman masa hadapan. Ku pujuk jua hati ini untuk menerima kerana setiap manusia tak terlepas dari melakukan kesalahan. Cuma yang pasti, tidak mungkin Islam akan tertegak andai kita mencampurkan sistem Islam dengan sistem jahiliyah. Oleh itu, perlu kita berusaha semaksimum mungkin untuk mengikis karat-karat jahiliyah yang sudah lama bertamu di hati.

Sama-sama kita mengambil ikhtibar...

Madah dari Hukama: "KALAU ORANG MENGHINA KITA, BUKAN KITA TERHINA, YANG SEBENARNYA ORANG ITU MENGHINA DIRINYA SENDIRI." Kita tak perlu takut akan ancaman manusia kerana dia tak mampu untuk memudaratkan diri kita tanpa keizinan dari Allah. Asalkan pandangan Allah didahulukan dan diutamakan itu lebih baik bagi seorang mukmin. “Barang siapa mencari keredhaan manusia dengan kemarahan Allah nescaya dia akan diserahkan oleh Allah kepada manusia, barang siapa yang mencari redha Allah dengan marahnya manusia nescaya dia akan dicukupkan Allah dari perbelanjaan manusia”

Madah dari Hukama: "MENASIHATI ORANG YANG BERSALAH, TIDAK SALAH. YANG SALAH MEMIKIRKAN KESALAHAN ORANG" Kadang-kadang kita tak perasan perbuatan atau arahan yang dikeluarkan jelas bertentangan dengan syara’. Menjadi tanggungjawab sahabat handainya untuk menegur dengan hikmah bukan dengan cara berdendam hingga menjadi tomato yang busuk dan tidak menyenangkan. Ya Allah, berilah kekuatan kepada ku untuk berkata benar walaupun pahit.

Akhir sekali, kita perlu selalu berdoa kepada Allah supaya kita dapat membezakan antara yang haq dan batil kerana selalunya kita terlalu lemah dan doif dalam membuat penilaian. Allahumma arinal-haqqa haqqan warzuqnat-tiba'ah, wa arinal-batila batilan warzuqnaj-tinabah, bi rahmatika ya arhamar-rahimeen. O Allah! Let us see the good as good, and bless us with following it. And show us the falsehood as falsehood, and bless us with staying away from it, with Your mercy, O Most Merciful!


Wednesday, November 25, 2009

KMK Ke-10 [Zon Selatan]

The Last Sermon of the Prophet

In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

After praising, and thanking Allah the Prophet s.a.w said:

"O People, lend me an attentive ear, for I know not whether after this year, I shall ever be amongst you again. Therefore listen to what I am saying to you very carefully and TAKE THESE WORDS TO THOSE WHO COULD NOT BE PRESENT HERE TODAY.

O People, just as you regard this month, this day, this city as Sacred, so regard the life and property of every Muslim as a sacred trust. Return the goods entrusted to you to their rightful owners. Hurt no one so that no one may hurt you. Remember that you will indeed meet your LORD, and that HE will indeed reckon your deeds. ALLAH has forbidden you to take usury (interest), therefore all interest obligation shall henceforth be waived. Your capital, however, is yours to keep. You will neither inflict nor suffer any inequity. Allah has Judged that there shall be no interest and that all the interest due to Abbas ibn 'Abd'al Muttalib (Prophet's uncle) shall henceforth be waived...

Beware of Satan, for the safety of your religion. He has lost all hope that he will ever be able to lead you astray in big things, so beware of following him in small things.

O People, it is true that you have certain rights with regard to your women, but they also have rights over you. Remember that you have taken them as your wives only under Allah's trust and with His permission. If they abide by your right then to them belongs the right to be fed and clothed in kindness. Do treat your women well and be kind to them for they are your partners and committed helpers. And it is your right that they do not make friends with any one of whom you do not approve, as well as never to be unchaste.

O People, listen to me in earnest, worship ALLAH, say your five daily prayers (Salah), fast during the month of Ramadan, and give your wealth in Zakat. Perform Hajj if you can afford to.

All mankind is from Adam and Eve, an Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab nor a non-Arab has any superiority over an Arab; also a white has no superiority over black nor a black has any superiority over white except by piety and good action. Learn that every Muslim is a brother to every Muslim and that the Muslims constitute one brotherhood. Nothing shall be legitimate to a Muslim which belongs to a fellow Muslim unless it was given freely and willingly. Do not, therefore, do injustice to yourselves.

Remember, one day you will appear before ALLAH and answer your deeds. So beware, do not stray from the path of righteousness after I am gone.

O People, NO PROPHET OR APOSTLE WILL COME AFTER ME AND NO NEW FAITH WILL BE BORN. Reason well, therefore, O People, and understand words which I convey to you. I leave behind me two things, the QURAN and my example, the SUNNAH and if you follow these you will never go astray.

All those who listen to me shall pass on my words to others and those to others again; and may the last ones understand my words better than those who listen to me directly. Be my witness, O ALLAH, that I have conveyed your message to your people".

This sermon was delivered on the 9th Day of Dhul Hijjah 10 A.H. in the 'Uranah valley of Mount Arafat' (in Mecca).

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

A Short Break

Praise be to Allah.

Inter semester vacation already started on 20th November which is Friday last week but since I’ve got programmes to attend and organize so I have to stay at IIU for a while. Now I’m still in Kuala Lumpur and I’m not allowed to go home at Johor Bahru since I have to do the washing and cleaning the house in KL before my parents here. We were told that most probably we are going to move back to KL. So need to start tidying up and arrange all of them properly. Too bad both of my brothers working, I have to do it all by myself.

Ahmad Faisal

Anyway, trying to steal some time to write something here. First of all is that I greatly miss my family. Hope they will arrive here safely as soon as possible. As usual, Ahmad must have been waiting for my chocolates again. He must have been a big boy right now. It had been a long time I haven’t meet him since Eidul Fitri break.

Ciwan standing on right side

Next, I would like to wish a hearted congratulation to Ciwan who pass his UPSR with flying colours. I pray and hope that he could consistent with the result and bring back the glory of Islam. Being a good Muslim ourselves isn’t sufficient. Islam was never meant to be an individualistic faith, reserved for the "chosen few". We have a duty to spread the Deen. But one crucial thing to put in mind is that to establish Islam in ourselves, then Islam will be established at our place, insyaAllah.

Last but not least, wishing Basyirah and all MATRI’s students who are sitting for SPM this year to do the best and beat the rest. Hmm…I’m not sure how she’s getting on right now after I heard that she accidently fell from the stairs. It’s great to hear that there’s no fracture but still worried about her muscle damage. Hope that she accept it as her lessons for being too careless all the time…ish3x… Xpe2, Allah izin. Kejap je sakit tu, insyaAllah ada ubatnya…

Till then, Salam.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Study Mode

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatahu,

Just wanted to give everyone a head’s up that I’ll be taking a short leave from the blogging world. Insha Allah I’ll be back and blogging with full force after I finished focusing and concentrating on my work and study for this semester, which is my fifth semester in IIUM main campus.

Jom, kita belajar dan bekerja sungguh2 kerana Allah!

One thing to note is that our actions and deeds are not just for the Day of Judgment. It is also for the sake of the success in this temporarily and momentarily world. Even though it is surely in the short term if it is compared to akhirah, but Muslims ought to perform their best in each and every action. Indeed, Allah wouldn’t waste our deeds and there is a reward either in-this-world or in the life-to-come insha Allah. That is what the Law Maker state in the Quran.

“Surely (as for) those who believe and do good, We do not waste the reward of him who does a good work.” (Al-Kahfi, 18: 30)

“For such the reward is forgiveness from their Lord, and Gardens with rivers flowing underneath,- an eternal dwelling: How excellent a recompense for those who work (and strive)!” (Ali Imran, 3: 136)

“So, he who has done an atom's weight of good shall see it. And he who has done an atom's weight of evil shall see it.” (Al-Zalzalah, 99: 7-8)

Another last verse and the divine social rule that I would like to share is:

“Verily never will Allah change the condition of a people until they change it themselves (with their own souls)” From Surah Ar-Ra'd: verse 11

This law is not an empty logo, but it is the only way to get out of the hardships the Muslims are suffering. But we have to realize that no change will happen in the Ummah’s lives except if we start by changing ourselves. The injustice that is being inflicted on Muslims will not be removed except if we change ourselves. Seriousness and high spirits should replace laziness and dullness. Positivism should replace negativity. Fruitful and important work should replace emptiness and wasting the time in unimportant things.

Remember, our small actions today may change the millions of life of others by pondering and put into action these words of God’s divine guidance. The solutions to the problems of the Muslims world today are in the hand of the youth of the Ummah. May Allah reward us for our life's work. Amin.

WoRk HaRd, PlAy HaRd BUT PrAY HaRdEr

Dalam memenangi pandangan dan redhaMu,
Safi ArRahman

Friday, September 25, 2009

They're Back!

Oh no, they're back. You should have seen how slickly they are in deviating us. Visit this weblog to read more. Click Here

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Salam Syawal 1430 H

Syawal has just arrived. Another Ramadan has come and gone! 30 days of fasting, 30 days of reading Qur’an, 30 nights of Qiamul Lail and Tarawikh. Finally, Eid comes again.

Hence, I would like to send out the warmest Eidul Fitri greetings to you and your families! May Allah accept our good deeds and continue to shower us all with His Mercy, ameen! Kullu'am wa antum bikhair. TaqabbAllahu minna wa minkum. Shiamana wa shiamakum!

Semoga Ramadhan yg dlalui meningkatkan taqwa dan semoga Syawal yg tiba adalah hari kemenangan jiwa yg dsambut dengan penuh keimanan. kekalkan madrasah Ramadhan supaya kt tidak menjadi hamba Ramadhan tetapi berjaya menjadi hamba Allah yg bertaqwa.

Kalau ada salah itu namanya manusia,
kalau ada terluka itu khilafnya hamba,
kalau ada terasa itulah lemahnya kita,
bulan baik hari mulia maka
disusun sepuluh jari mencuci dosa
seadanya yang tercipta.


Tulus ikhlas,
Safi Ar-Rahman
Kejuruteraan Aeroangkasa,
Universiti Islam Antarabangsa

O Allah, make us among those people who benefit from every Ramadan,
who have our sins forgiven and become better people for all time after that!
Ameen ajma’een!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

A Farewell Party

An ad hoc farewell party which was held on 7th September, last Monday was unpredicted. Actually we were planning to have iftar together for third year aerospace students. But the plan changed when someone came up with the idea to invite Madam Nabilah as well. Madam’s going to set off to London to pursue her studies. So we wouldn’t see her after this Raya celebration. Somehow, I’m starting to miss her. Absence really makes the heart grow fonder.

Behind the silver lining of the clouds,
there are destinies to be discovered.

In each book that is written,
there are facts to be known.

In every picture that is painted,
is a memorable meaning captured.

Delightful, appetizing and mouthwatering dishes – ikan siakap 3 rasa, tomyam campur, sotong tepung, telur bungkus, sayur campur & rojak.

The spirit of togetherness - 13 of us including madam: Eiz, Syah, Farih, Cnar, mdm, Wani, Ainin, Safi, Haf, Dila, kAfif, along. Not in the pic: Nina

Token of appreciation. Oh ya, we look forward for souvenirs from UK too.hee…. (0_o)

Till then, just a short reminder for me and you guys. Don’t miss to grab the golden opportunity of the last ten days of Ramadhan where Lailatul Qadr is most likely occurred. Lailatul Qadr is the most blessed night. A person who misses it has indeed missed a great amount of good. We ought to strive to encounter this night and to pass it in worship and obedience. So let the stimulating begin!

21 Ramadhan 1430H,
11th September 2009.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Less Food, More Think

Less Food, More Think: a quotation that was quoted from my aerodynamic lecturer, Dr. Waqar Asrar, Head Department of Mechanical Engineering. He reminds us that this month is not about food at all times but it’s about the consciousness towards Allah. I’m glad he shared his thought for sometimes I was too busy thinking of what, where and how much should I buy for my iftar.

This semester is a bit tough for me. Every day my class starts at 8.30am then finishes by 6, 6.30, and 7pm. So, it happens to me that I will think of what am I going to have for my iftar. I don’t cook at hostel but I would help my mum out if I were at home. Luckily I’m going home for today, my first iftar with my family at home, yeah. Alhamdulillah.

Talking about less food and more think means that we ought to think of what am I going to be after this blessed month? What are the outputs or the outcomes that I wanted to have? What does Allah actually wants us to be? These are all the questions and thought that we should ponder and keep in mind. What makes this month as extremely significant and important month for the sahabah? Have you ever pondered?

You see, one of the companions of the Prophet s.a.w said, “We spend half the year making du’a for Allah s.w.t to allow us to see another Ramdaaan, and we spend half the year making du’a for Allah s.w.t to accept the Ramdaan that passed.”

Now, we’ve already entered the blessed month. It is by time we ought to think and think. The general tip to increase Iman and taqwa is to study Islam and Quran. Then you could feel the nearness and closeness to Allah, insha Allah.

My esteemed brothers and sisters, Allah has distinguished Ramadan from other months with many merits and virtues so make good use of this month inshallah, don’t let it pass you by! May Allah give us all success in reaching the highest peaks of Iman through Ramadan and beyond, ameen!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Knowledge Seekers

Study sebahagian daripada hidup mahasiswa

Hidup mahasiswa bukan untuk study

“Enjoy your Study”: Apabila study merupakan sebahagian daripada perjuangan

“Study lebih Mudah”: Apabila kita menolong agama Allah swt

Pelajar contoh:
•Komited dengan jihad
•CGPA > 3.71

Dear valued readers, you are invited to attend:

Do feel free to come. Click Here

Friday, July 10, 2009

Pause to Reflect

I'm trying to make some positive changes in my life. Developing, improving and widening some skills and abilities. Even though I didn’t manage to cope with all of it but less stress at home really helps me a lot in changing my attitudes. Too bad I haven’t got time to learn sewing from my cousin. She lives in Selangor. It’s too far to go there since I’m doing some extra class for my brother who’s sitting for UPSR examination this year. Hope he can score well.

Well, actually I did plan to take short semester to lessen my subjects for the next semester. But we planned, and Allah has planned. And Allah’s plan is the best for you (Wa makaru, Wamakarallah. Wallahu khairul makirin). We can plan something and someone else can plan something but if it doesn't fall within Allah's plan is not going to happen. Throughout my journey in this short fake world, I realize that Allah’s plot is the best story for us to live in.

I wouldn’t regret of what had happened. I’m just putting my trust in Him and trying to put my efforts to face the hardship. Well talking about trust, it must be parallel to our iman and action. How can we trust Him when we miss our obligatory prayers or pray with heedlessness not focusing on Allah and His Mercy? You see, Allah’s help only comes after the struggle and doa we put in. Then, trust in Allah (tawakkal) for Allah loves those who place a complete reliance on Him.

Ibn Taymiyah said: A calamity that makes you turn to Allah is better for you than a blessing which makes you forget the remembrance of Allah.”

So within 2 months and 2 days that is about 63 days at home I did a long muhasabah. I’m trying to figure out the mistakes that I had done and listing it in my mind so that I could have a clear picture. Maybe I should list some of the do and don’t as well to guide me, just a simple one like reading Quran and Ma’thurat every day to ensure that I have time for my spiritual as well.

Now finally, a new chapter opened and I’ll be leaving my home to the campus sooner or later. What I learn during my long vacation is that:

A Mukmin is like a SCIENTIST, they are knowledge seekers. They are curious, seeking answers to known questions and finding many more questions.

A Mukmin is like an ENGINEER that is a problems solver. They are the people that make things work and make life interesting, comfortable, and fun.

A Mukmin is also like a TECHNICIAN, technicians are skilled personnel. Their skills are necessary for the research and development activities of Engineers and Scientist.

So Safi ArRahman, be a Mukmin which comprise of a scientist, an engineer and a technician where it has 3 basic qualities: the knowledge seekers, problems solvers and skilled personnel. (insyaAllah, i'll try my best)

To mum and dad, I will always miss you.
Remember me in your prayers at all time ye. Hee…(^_^)

With lots of love,
Safi ArRahman.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Tiny and Powerless

Ponder on these pictures and explore
how tiny and powerless we are!?

This is the earth, when comparing to other small planets

But this IS the earth, when comparing to other big planets

Now, let's compare them with the Sun,
The biggest star in our solar system

But the sun is smaller when comparing with other stars
Jupiter is about 1 pixel in size
While Earth is invisible at this scale

Now the Sun is about 1 pixel in size
While Jupiter is invisible at this scale
How about the Earth?
and where are we?

Can you imagine, the biggest of all stars are like a germ to Allah!
Thats shows us how small, helpless and powerless we are.
Whoever made the Universe must be super extra powerful!
We are nothing! NOTHING, in the eyes of Allah.

Ya Allah! You must be so HUGE, sitting there right now on your Arsh, looking down on all of us, have mercy on us.

We are almost invisible n no power at all when it comes to Allah's power. No doubt, we are very weak and so other humans or creations. Therefore, we should not fear no one but Allah as he is in control of everything.

"O young man, I shall teach you some words [of advice] : Be mindful of Allah, and Allah will protect you. Be mindful of Allah, and you will find Him in front of you. If you (have need to) ask, ask of Allah; and if you seek help, seek help from Allah. Know that even if the Nation (or the whole community) were to gather together to benefit you with something, they would not benefit you with anything except that which Allah has already recorded for you, and that if they gather together to harm you with something, they would not be able to harm you with anything except that which Allah has already recorded against you. The pens have been lifted and the pages have dried."

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Crying Over

Truly, Allah controls over all things.
Allah is the only planner & the decider of all my futures.
So im sitting back, chilling out, and letting the tears run freely.
Belum puas menangis, Air Mata Keinsafan mengalir lagi.

Air mata keinsafan
Yang mengalir di malam sepi
Inilah dia pelembut jiwa
Bagi mendapat kasih Ilahi

Rintihan di sepertiga malam
Dari seorang hamba yang dhaif
Kerana mengenang segala dosa
Moga mendapat keampunan dari Ilahi

Setiap kekasih Allah
Menempuhi jalan ini
Untuk mereka memiliki kejayaan

Ayuh bersama kita susuri
Perjalanan kekasih Allah
Agar kita tiada rugi dalam meniti hidup ini

Deraian air mata ini
Titisan yang paling berharga
Buat menyimbah api neraka
Moga selamat di titian sirat
Syurga abadi

Munsyid : Saujana

“Very few things in life are worth crying over”

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Little Backbiter

Ouch…It hurts when someone bite up my back and eating my flesh. You know what hurt most? It’s not the bites but the fact that it comes from a friend. Creepy huh…it all happens behind your back. I like to share with you what Islam teaches us about back-biting. Here, take a look at this video first. I’m pretty sure that you don’t want to be one of these people, do you?

Ok...before I start, I would like you guys to have a clear picture about backbiting. Backbiting consists in speaking about an absent person in a way that would annoy him if he were to be present and hear. Well, how about if we were talking about is a true story. Does it still call backbiting? I would go for: YES. If the words uttered are true, that is backbiting; if they are not, this is both backbiting and slander which will be a doubly disgusting sin.

*Slander = Saying of something false and damaging somebody’s reputation.
*Backbite = Making spiteful comments about somebody who is not present.

Let see, why am I so eager to talk about this subject? It’s just simply because this action has become a routine and so widespread that it becomes a hot topic of people’s meetings, to express their feelings and anger. Gossiping as well is a shameful weapon and most commonly used by newspapers to gain popularity. To me backbiting and gossiping is something so poisonous and awful that we shouldn’t commit and accept to our social life especially Muslims.

Islam is a religion of peace, love and compassion. The bond of relationship between Muslims is based on sincerity and honesty. In spite of that, Allah strongly prohibits the action that can cause destruction to the ummah. Have you ever heard a story of the battle of Jamal (Camel) and the battle of Siffin? Both of these battles are due to fitna where Muslims fought each other for the first time. The damage done at the battle was great. Do read about these battles here.

"And spy not, neither backbite against one another. Would any of you like to eat the flesh of his dead brother? You would hate it (so hate backbiting). And fear Allah. Verily Allah is the One Who accepts repentance, Most Merciful." (49:12)

Is backbiting ever allowed in Islam? There are very few situations where it is permissible to speak about the faults of another person. But just be extra careful not to fall or transgress yourself into sin. For you would regret afterward. There are six all of them which I have shortly listed below:

1. Complaint because of an injustice

2. Seeking help to change a wrong deed and to correct the wrongdoers.

3. Seeking a Fatwa. A person may state to the Imam, Mufti or Shaikh.

4. Warning Muslims against evil and advising them.

5. Mentioning the person who indulges in Haraam or Bid'ah openly.

6. Identifying a person.

Remember, our tongue will witness us in the Day of Judgment. We have to answer to Allah s.w.t for our actions. Let’s ponder beautiful saying of the Prophet s.a.w that will ensure the protection of our tongue. The Messenger of Allah s.a.w said: "Whoever believes in Allah and the Last day, LET HIM EITHER SPEAK GOOD OR KEEP SILENT"

Again, I’m reminding myself before reminding people who are reading. Forgive me for the wrong doings and harsh words. Correct me if you see my error and slip. Jazakallahu khair for spending your time here. May Allah bless us all.

O Allah! Guard our tongues. O Allah! Guard our actions. O Allah! Forgive us our sins against You and ease the hearts of those we have harmed so that they too will forgive us. Ameen

Monday, June 29, 2009

Seasonal Muslims

Salam Readers and Followers, sit down and relax. I’ve got something to share with you to flash back and reflect. Lets do some muhasabah together. It relates to our daily actions and behavior. Did we really act as a true Muslims? Where the Prophets s.a.w has shown and guide us, the perfect example for us to behave well.

Muslim are not seasonal thing, being muslim means full time

All ur actions will b recorded and u have to answer to Allah 1 day

Paradise is expensive, there is no free ticket to Jannah bro!

So please dont limit urself for being a 'Ramadon' Muslims

If u lose Allah swt, u lose everything

So lets not be muslims part time, lets be muslims full time.

May Allah forgive us and increase our iman.

and speak to myself before i speak to those who are watching.

Jazakallahukhair - BE MUSLIMS -

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Tagged | Humayra

Salam. I’ve been tagged again, by ukhti Humayra. But simpler one inshaAllah. So here goes…

1. Copy the picture below, and paste it on your post. (or copy the whole post)

This tag reminds me of the verse that we always read in our prayer;

“Say. Surely my prayer and my sacrifice and my life and my death are (all) for Allah, the Lord of the worlds” (Al-Anaam: 162)

It inspires me a lot to practice my faith vigorously which will eventually hearten my life. Those who practice Islam are a super model and a pillar of stability for all societies. And I wanna be one. InshaAllah…Do pray for me too.

Tagged | Syaz

Salam. Here I am blogging again. Stepping forward for my comeback. But allow me to respond to the tags first.

Nyatakan 5 fakta menarik tentang pemberi award ini Syazwani Bt Mustafa:

1. Charming and attractive young girl

2. Talkative and she wouldn’t stop talking till she fell asleep.

3. Always bump into each other at Asma’s café every evening but not all the time though. Next time Syaz, you have to treat me eh. Thats a must and no excuses!

4. The first time we met at matriculation center IIUM but we haven’t been in the same class till we took Bahasa Melayu Engineering at main campus. We were in the same group at that time, remember?

5. Last but not least, she loves pink color. I was really surprised when I went to her room. Full with pinky things; the curtains, blankets, shirts and wallpapers. Luckily her skins not in pink or people would call her as Pink Panther. (0_O)

Setiap blogger perlu menyatakan 10 fakta @ hobi diri sendiri sebelum memilih penerima award seterusnya:

1. A human being – All of the deeds will be counted in the Judgment Day.

2. Muslim – Rase nikmat menjadi hamba Allah, bukan hamba nafsu

3. Really loves sky juice. The best juice ever!

4. Loves cooking but still couldn’t beat her brothers cooking. That’s what mum always said. Yet, they would always eat them whole up. It’s still delicious though.

5. Loves swimming, riding horse and archery. It started when I read a lot of seerah. How they were very good at them.

6. Really enjoy playing baseball. The last time I played at Matri. It had been a long ago eh. I wish to play it again.

7. Hates people who smoke. It made me suffocate and grasping for air.

8. Not interested in TV reality shows today. Its just made people to love dunya and ‘takut mati’ illness. Xda rancangan yang membangun jiwa.

9. Hates jahiliyah cause it is totally contradict to Islam but still I wouldn’t blame those who accidently involve in it. There’s still some time to repent. Just don’t be late.

10. Mempunyai cita-cita yang tinggi: Memburu Syahid dan mendapat RedhaNya to gain Jannah.

Anda perlu memilih 10 penerima award seterusnya describe tentang mereka:

Well, let’s just stop here better. But those who wish to receive this award, taffadol. (^_^)

Syaz, sorry for the late reply. hope u dont mind. Next time make it free, with no questions to be answered. hee...Nyway, thanx for the award. i really enjoy it.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Faith in God

An Atheist Professor of Philosophy speaks to his class on the problem Science has with GOD, the ALMIGHTY. He asks one of his New Muslim Students to stand up. Then, they both had a long conservation.

Professor: You are a Muslim, aren’t you, son?

Student: Yes, sir.

Professor: So you believe in GOD?

Student: Absolutely, sir.

Professor: Is GOD Good?

Student: Sure

Professor: Is GOD powerful?

Student: Yes

Professor: My Brother died of Cancer even though he prayed to GOD to heal him. Most of us would attempt to help others who are ill. But GOD didn’t. How is this GOD good then? Hmm?

( Student is silent )

Professor: You can’t answer, can you? Let’s start again, Young Fella. Is GOD Good?

Student: Yes

Professor: Is Satan good?

Student: No

Professor: Where does Satan come from?

Student: From . . . GOD . . .

Professor: That’s right. Tell me son, is there evil in this World?

Student: Yes

Professor: Evil is everywhere, isn’t it? And GOD did make everything. Correct?

Student: Yes

Professor: So who created evil?

(Student does not answer)

Professor: Is there Sickness? Immorality? Hatred? Ugliness? All these terrible things exist in the World, don’t they?

Student: Yes, sir.

Professor: So, who Created them?

( Student has no answer )

Professor: Science says you have 5 Senses you use to Identify and Observe the World around you. Tell me, son . . . Have you ever Seen GOD?

Student: No, sir.

Professor: Tell us if you have ever Heard your GOD?

Student: No, sir.

Professor: Have you ever Felt your GOD, Tasted your GOD, Smelt your GOD? Have you ever had any Sensory Perception of GOD for that matter?

Student: No, sir. I’m afraid I haven’t.

Professor: Yet you still believe in HIM?

Student: Yes

Professor: According to Empirical, Testable, Demonstrable Protocol, Science says your GOD doesn’t exist. What do you say to that, son?

Student: Nothing. I only have my Faith.

Professor: Yes, Faith. And that is the Problem Science has.

Student: Professor, is there such a thing as Heat?

Professor: Yes

Student: And is there such a thing as Cold?

Professor: Yes

Student: No sir. There isn’t.

( The Lecture Theatre becomes very quiet with this turn of events )

Student: Sir, you can have Lots of Heat, even More Heat, Superheat, Mega Heat, White Heat, a Little Heat or No Heat… But we don’t have anything called Cold. We can hit 458 Degrees below Zero which is No Heat, but we can’t go any further after that. There is no such thing as Cold. Cold is only a Word we use to describe the Absence of Heat. We cannot Measure Cold. Heat is Energy. Cold is Not the Opposite of Heat, sir, just the Absence of it.

( There is Pin – Drop Silence in the Lecture Theatre )

Student : What about Darkness, Professor? Is there such a thing as Darkness?

Professor: Yes. What is Night if there isn’t Darkness?

Student: You’re wrong again, sir. Darkness is the Absence of Something. You can have Low Light, Normal Light, Bright Light, Flashing Light... But if you have No Light constantly, you have nothing and its called Darkness, isn’t it? In reality, Darkness isn’t. If it is, were you would be able to make Darkness Darker, wouldn’t you?

Professor: So what is the point you are making, Young Man?

Student: Sir, my point is your Philosophical Premise is flawed.

Professor: Flawed? Can you explain how?

Student: Sir, you are working on the Premise of Duality. You argue there is Life and then there is Death, a Good GOD and a Bad GOD. You are viewing the Concept of GOD as something finite, something we can measure. Sir, Science can’t even explain a Thought. It uses Electricity and Magnetism, but has never seen, much less fully understood either one. To view Death as the Opposite of Life is to be ignorant of the fact that Death cannot exist as a Substantive Thing. Death is Not the Opposite of Life: just the Absence of it. Now tell me, Professor, do you teach your Students that they evolved from a Monkey?

Professor: If you are referring to the Natural Evolutionary Process, yes, of course, I do.

Student: Have you ever observed Evolution with your own eyes, sir?

( The Professor shakes his head with a Smile, beginning to realize where the Argument is going )

Student: Since no one has ever observed the Process of Evolution at work and Cannot even prove that this Process is an On – Going Endeavor, Are you not teaching your Opinion, sir? Are you not a Scientist but a Preacher?

( The Class is in Uproar )

Student: Is there anyone in the Class who has ever seen the Professor’s Brain?

( The Class breaks out into Laughter )

Student: Is there anyone here who has ever heard the Professor’s Brain, Felt it, touched or Smelt it?... No one appears to have done so. So, according to the Established Rules of Empirical, Stable, Demonstrable Protocol, Science says that you have No Brain, sir. With all due respect, sir, how do we then Trust your Lectures, sir?

(The Room is Silent. The Professor stares at the Student, his face unfathomable)

Professor: I guess you’ll have to take them on Faith, son.

Student: That is it sir . . . The Link between Man & GOD is FAITH. That is all that Keeps Things Moving & Alive.

Yesterday, I read an article about Sisters in Islam (SIS). It had become a hot topic these days since most of their actions are simply based on philosophy and contradict to syariah. Salbiah Ahmad, the ex-founder of this organization said that one of the reasons she quit SIS is because she was forced to open her hijab. The SIS’s members claimed that they don’t want people to say that they are ‘tudung type’, not progressive, fundamentalist and obscurantist (opposed to new ideas). Due to these reasons, they’re not allowed to wear hijab. How dare you SIS putting Allah's laws aside? Who are you to challenge Allah? All of the Muslims actions should be parallel with the teachings of Islam. It shouldn’t merely based on our thinking that always influents by obsess of this world and its affairs.

Oh ya...another thing, Islam is being discussed regularly nowadays on all major media stations. It is our responsibility to correct the misconception someone has about Islam and be a guardian of our Deen! If we’ve always wanted to be a Da’iyah (to invite people to the Truth) but felt like we don’t have much time, then we'd better take a fresh look at da’wah again! Anywhere and at anytime is an opportunity for da'wah. Even at our home can make as a Da’wah hub! Believe me!

Hang on to Faith! Fight for Iman!
With regards, Safi ArRahman

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Life and Death

“What is the life of this world but play and amusement? But best is the home in the hereafter, for those who are righteous. Will ye not then understand?”
(Holy Qur’an Al An'aam, 6:32)

Once a man saw in his dream, that a LION was chasing him! The man ran to a Tree, climbed on to it and sat on a branch. He looked down and saw that the Lion was still there waiting for him.

The man then looked to his side where the branch he was sitting on was attached to the Tree and saw that two RATS were circling around and eating the branch. One Rat was black and the other one was white. The branch would fall on the ground very soon.

The man then looked below again with fear and discovered that a big black SNAKE had come and settled directly under him. The Snake opened its mouth right under the man so that he will fall into it.

The man then looked up to see if there was anything that he could hold on to. He saw another branch with a HONEYCOMB. Drops of honey were falling from it. The man wanted to taste one of the drops. So, he put his tongue out and tasted one of the fallen drops of HONEY. The Honey was amazing in taste. So, he wanted to taste another drop. As he did, he got lost into the
sweetness of the Honey.

Meanwhile, he forgot about the two Rats eating his branch away, the Lion on the ground and the Snake that is sitting right under him. After a while, he woke up from his sleep. To get the meaning behind this dream, the man went to a pious scholar of Islam.

The scholar said:

The Lion you saw is your DEATH. It always chases you and goes wherever you go.

The two Rats, one black and one white, are the NIGHT and the DAY. Black one is the night and the white one is the day. They circle around, coming one after another, to eat your time as they take you closer to Death.

The big black Snake with a dark mouth is your GRAVE. It’s there, just waiting for you to fall into it.

The Honeycomb is this WORLD and the sweet Honey is the LUXURIES of this world. We like to taste a drop of the luxuries of this world but it’s very sweet. Then we taste another drop and yet another.

Meanwhile, we get lost into it and we forget about our time, we forget about our death and we forget about our graves.

Imam Ali (pbuh) says: “You are the game that death hunts. If you stand still it will seize (catch) you. If you ran (flee) away it will overtake you.”

This picture is the latest version where i took it last week during my visit to my grandma’s and great grandma's graveyard. Last year during Eidul Fitri it wasn't like this crowded and packed. My grandma and grandpa passed away when I was in UK. At that moment my siblings and I were not allowed to see them due to lack of budget and money. So my dad returned to his hometown by himself using his scholarship pocket money to buy the ticket.

At that time, I wish immensely to see him and to say a final goodbye. But it doesn’t matter now. From then on, I use my pen name as Safi ArRahman where Ar-Rahman (a short name of Abdul Rahman) refers to my grandpa’s name. A name should mean something to the holder. Al-Fatihah to my late granpa. May he be rested among those who believe.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

No Way Out

Assalamualaikum wbt

Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. Alhamdulillah I’m back, after my long journey heading to north and back to south. From JB – Bangi – Gombak – Puchong – Permatang Bogak – Alor Setar – Beseri Perlis – Puchong – and JB back. I arrived home yesterday but too tired to write and post. This couple of days has been a difficult days for me. I have had to deal with the internal turmoil of knowing that Allah's promise is true and knowing how to apply this to my life. Lately, after the news of Ummi Halimaton’s death I received the same news but different people.

Fatimah Safiah's brother, Shaari bin Zakaria (1985 - 10 June 2009)
Muhammad Ammar Zulkifli (1988 - 10 June 2009)
Sheikh Dr. Fathi Yakan (9 February 1933 – 13 June 2009)

I barely knew them. I have met Shaari once (people call him Dik Ah) when I went to Fatimah’s house. That was a long time ago but still I would always keep in touch with her family. Her brother had involved in motor accident resulting injuries on his head and face, broken his right arm and right leg. He was in critical condition when he was admitted to hospital. Al-Fatihah buat mereka. Semoga roh Allahyarham Shaari, Ammar and Dr.Fathi Yakan ditempatkan di kalangan para solihin dan siddiqin.

Little did I know, these 3 people were a cornerstone to the people around them especially Dr. Fathi Yakan. His shell lies dead, but his soul lives on. He had contributed a lot of his work for the sake of Islam. He has authored more than 35 books, some of which were translated into many languages. The Holy Prophet (saw) has said, “Whenever Allah (SWT) takes away the soul of any scholar of this nation, there becomes a gap in Islam that cannot be filled in till the Day of Judgement”.

DEATH IS A BEAUTIFUL GIFT FOR A BELIEVER. A believer always remembers death, since his or her main goal is to reach Allah. Qasim, the son of Imam Hasan Al-Mujtaba (pbuh), when asked concerning death at Karbala, answered: "Death to me is sweeter than honey." Therefore true believers anticipate death since to them it signifies the long-awaited meeting with their Creator.

During imprisonment, Imam Ali An-Naqi, Al-Hadi (pbuh) had a grave dug up ready by the side of his prayer mat. Some visitors expressed concern or surprise. The Imam explained, "In order to remember my end I keep the grave before my eyes."

DEATH IS ONCE. LIFE IS TWICE. All men die, and surely Allah give them life with His ability, and judges them on their deeds and actions. We know Allah is the Creator and can recreate us, because if one can do something he has the ability to do it again. For instance, if your teacher asks you to draw a picture on the blackboard and color it. Then if after you have drawn it with beautiful colors, the teacher asks you to rub it out and do it again, could you repeat the same drawing again? Of course you would be able to repeat the picture. It is what you created and are capable of doing again.

From this example, we can understand Allah is able to give life to the dead because it is He Who created us in the beginning. On Resurrection Day He will re-create the dead for judgment, and then allow the doer of good to enter paradise but cast the evil-doer into hell.

Wherever you are, death will find you out, even if you are towers built up strong and high. (Holy Quran 4:78)
NO WAY OUT. It states here that everyone one of us is to die even if we hide ourselves anywhere in the world; or even if we try to protect ourselves. This is the fact that death is unstoppable: there is No Way Out. No one can escape this fate. When death comes, we will realize, with terror in our hearts, how wrong we had been about things in this world. It will come and that will be the time when we have to leave everything and everyone behind to return to our Creator. Everyone is in the world as a guest, and his money is but a loan. The guest must go sooner or later and the loan must be returned. For sure the time will come.

EVERYTHING THAT HAS A BEGINNING HAS AN END. I close my eyes and think of my sins that I have committed. Suddenly my eyes are flooded with tears. The day will come when I shall have to answer for everything I have done. Am I really prepared? And when is my turn? Wallahualam.

I just can't believe
maybe can't conceive
that God knows the very second
when my soul will come out of my body
And the news will shock everybody

So am I ready for the test?
The Most important final test?
But how can I pass
when I knew all the While
that when I didn't prepare
for a test in school
I got a letter in my mail
a lousy F for Fail
Exactly what I was expecting

Don't take God for granted
Yes, He is Merciful
His Punishment is also Painful


I turn to Allah asking for His forgiveness. Ya Allah! Make me not from those upon you have sent your wrath. Ya Allah, when I return to You, let it be with Imaan and and please don’t let me go astray. Aminnn.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Oh My Fingers!

As usual it was raining outside
The blessed water from Allah, falling far and wide
I spent my time in my room on my computer
As usual I e-mailed to my sister.
Suddenly, there's pain on my fingers, Yikes!
The pain won't stop, it just continues and strikes!
I looked at my fingers, what did I see?
WORMS crawling, eating, biting looking squirmy
tearing away the flesh that I adore
My fingers are pretty no more.

Oh no! I quickly jumped from my seat
The worms take my fingers for meat!
I shook my arms, but the the worms ate away,
Biting, tearing my flesh and determined to stay.

"Allah! What did I do wrong?
Why are the worms so strong?"
Then an inner voice said to me
"O Muslim, this is your tragedy.
You wasted your fingers on deeds sinfully.

Was it not you who sent the fake e-mail?
You spread rumours and forwarded tall tales.
Your fingers typed in insults towards our Muslim scholars.
You hurt their feelings and harassed the others.

You designed a web page to insult Islam.
Your fitnah are worse than drinking rum!
You even flirted with the opposite sex on cyberspace
You even used seductive words and dirty phrases!
Instead of having meaningful discussions
You come in all ready for sensations.

Have you forgotten when you die?
Your fingers bear account and they can't lie.
Your mouth will be shut but the fingers will reveal
everything which you typed on the keyboard to kill.

Your fingers keep no secret and speak for all to know
Repent now! Stop typing insults for show!"

I said "I promise! I promise! I'll stop it!"
Then the rain stopped the room was lit.
My ears drummed wildly, my thoughts full of fear.
When I looked at my fingers, the worms disappear....

If you belong to the above category, repent now.
For our Lord Allah knows it all.

Taken from: IslamicPoem
Fafiru Ilallah - Larilah Pada Allah
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