Friday, April 15, 2011

International Seminar on Peace & Humanitarian Aid

Dear respectable readers,

I am pleased to invite you guys to join and listen from the range of speakers from various background in person. These honorable speakers are gathered from different nations and distinct countries so that we could comprehend and understand the war that we don't see. They call for human rights and they call for us to unite. I'm telling you that this seminar won't let you down, insyaAllah. Among the main speakers are:

1. Huseyin Oruc, one of the prime movers of the Gaza Flotilla mission. He is one of the founders of The Foundation for Human Rights and Freedoms and Humanitarian Relief, IHH, a Turkish NGO based in Istanbul.

2. Prof. Mattias Gardell, a Swedish scholar of comparative religion. Gardell was aboard MV Mavi Marmara during the Israeli armed forces raid on the flotilla on the morning of 31 May 2010.

3. Santi Soekanto, the former Chief Editor of The Brunei Times. One of the hundreds of survivors in the Mavi Marmara raid, she wrote a very touching letter entitled 'Gaza tidak membutuhkanmu!' or 'Gaza doesn't need you.'

An event not to be missed:

-Click on the picture to enlarge-

Date: 23rd APRIL 2011


Time: 7.30 AM - 6.00 PM

Venue: Conference Room, Cultural Activity Center (CAC)

Student - RM 30
Public - RM 50
Corporate - RM 100

Online registration at

"Together We End the Siege on Gaza"

For any inquiries, you may contact through the following persons:
Br. Musab (019 - 218 7861), Br. Akram (012 - 374 7406), Br. Afiq (019 - 212 9557)

A picture of the Mavi Marmara Returns in Istanbul After Israeli Massacred 9 of the Peace Activists. And now, Flotilla II is coming back!!!

Lets us support the Palestinians' right to rebulid their lives. The second flotilla of ships will approach Gaza, answering the call for help. The more people become aware of the suffering of the Palestinians, the sooner hopefully it will end! Please forward this invitation far and wide through email, facebook & any other form of mass communication to all the community.

Thank you. Till then.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Note to Self

Iza amsaita fala tantazhir assobah,
wa iza asbahta fala tantazhir almasaa',
wa khuz min sihhatik limarodhik,
wamin hayatik limautik.
- hadis riwayat bukhari -

"Apabila kamu berada di waktu petang,usahlah menunggu waktu pagi. Dan apabila kamu berada di waktu pagi, usahlah mengunggu waktu petang. Dan gunakanlah masa sihatmu sebelum masa sakitmu, dan masa hidupmu sebelum masa matimu"

Hadis ini sering kali kita dengar berulang2 kali. Tetapi disebabkan kerana doif dan lemah nya manusia itu maka kita sering lupa. Kita selalu berada dalam kelalaian (ghaflah) terhadap apa yang diciptakannya tanpa disedari; masanya, usianya, potensinya, hartanya, kepandaiannya dan sewaktu dengannya. Justeru, sama2 kita sentiasa diperingatkan akan kesempatan yang kita miliki untuk terus dan terus beramal dan berubudiyyah kepadaNya.

Procrastination is the thief of times. So beware guys.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Smart student starts here

In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
“Over the knowledgeable, is Allah the most knowledgeable”

All praises and gratitude is due to Allah, the Lord to whom every single creature in the heaven and the earth belongs to. Thank you Allah for giving us the strength and patient during this trying times. May peace and blessings be on the leader of all creation, the prophet Muhammad S.A.W, his family and companions.

In these days, we are drowning with a vast amount of information and starving for knowledge. We were taught sciences, maths, social studies, politics, history, economics etc etc but no where we see those who have a clear vision and mission in life, maybe just a quite number of them. Our goal in education is not merely to learn for the sake of learning. If we don’t specify our goal, then we will make some mean and cheap goals.

Let’s us imagine a society with a team of good Muslims. They have doctors, engineers, scientists, economists, managers and all other experts. Each group having a clear vision and mission as a Muslim and they have an excellent interaction between themselves. Don’t you think Allah wants such society as a true khilafah?

Hence, calling all graduated high-school students (SPM) and graduated pre-universities students (Matriculation, STPM and STAM) to participate in this beneficial programme!

Smart student starts here. HiMeGa

Hijrah Menara Gading 2011 (HiMeGa 11)

Date: 22nd - 24th April 2011 (Friday - Sunday)
Venue: International Islamic University Malaysia, IIUM
Theme: Nurturing 'Alim Mujahid

If you have any inquiries, please contact:

- Br. Ikrimah [0134059395]
- Br. Ameen [0135041501]

- Sr. Izzah [0132115422]
- Sr. Khairiah [0132504986]

For online registration, please log on to this link (click here)

This programme will help and facilitate us, tells us, prepares us, reminds us, suggest us a plan and follow up on our progress on our path to live in a balanced life fid dunya wal akhirah. Also balance in terms of ruhi, aqli, jismi. To be expert in one’s own field and to have a vision & mission along with discipline.

Whatever we do, counts towards in becoming an excellent in our field and towards forming that excellent team. Let us become a student who will look at this world with Islamic vision. Starting our day with Allah’s word and then study Allah’s world. Quran and Hadith is a direct study of Allah’s word while maths, science, technology, laws, economics are supporting studies of Allah’s world. Don’t you think so???

O Allah, increase us with beneficial knowledge that brings closer to You.

ilaliqo', ma'as salamah.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Kita Ibarat Pepohonan

"Dan tumbuh-tumbuhan dan pohon-pohonan kedua-duanya tunduk kepadaNya" (Ar-Rahman: 6)

Sesungguhnya tiap-tiap pohon itu mengukapkan sesuatu dari karekteristik iman, sujudnya seiring dengan penampilan penghambaan dirinya kepada Allah. Sesaat untuk menyendiri dibawah pepohonan menjadi faktor yang dapat menggugah kelalaian hati dan sebagai jalan untuk kembali bertaubat kepada Ilahi.

Pohon iman akan lemah jika tidak disirami setiap hari. Daun-daunnya akan layu, jika tiada hujan. Akarnya akan kering dan dahannya terkulai jika tidak dibajai. Lantas pohon ini bertukar menjadi pohon yang buruk yang tidak dapat berdiri tegak dan segak. Suatu hari ia pasti tercabut dari permukaan bumi sehingga tiada lagi tempat baginya di bumi ini.

Tetapi hanya pohon keimanan sahaja yang berpotensi untuk terus subur dan melahirkan produk yang bermanfaat. Mengutip pesan Imam Hassan Al-Banna, "Jadilah seperti pohon, dilempar dengan batu, malah membalas dengan buah"

Segala spesis rerumputan, tetumbuhan mahupun pepohonan yang mekar berbunga dan berbuah telahpun dihampar di permukaan muka bumi ini untuk dijadikan pengajaran, maka sama2 seharusnya kita renung-renungkan sehingga hati ini tergugah dan tergerak untuk turut menyoroti jejak langkah pepohonan yang setia sujud abadi didepan Ilahi. InsyaAllah...
Fafiru Ilallah - Larilah Pada Allah
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