Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Orientasi Hati yang Betul

Keikhlasan hatilah yang sebenarnya merupakan harta hakiki seorang manusia. 
Ibadah apa pun yang dikerjakannya tanpa keikhlasan, nescaya hanya lah sia-sia belaka.

Manusia yang ikhlas ialah manusia yang berperibadi kuat dan tidak pernah mengenal penat. Gerak perilakunya sama sekali tidak dipengaruhi oleh ada atau tidaknya kedudukan ataupun penghargaan. Baginya paling penting adalah Allah s.w.t redha kepadanya. Orientasi hidupnya jelas dan tegas. Langkahnya pasti dan penuh harapan. Tidak ada kata kecewa dalam hidupnya, tak ada kata putus asa dalam usahanya. Jiwanya merdeka kerana hanya Allah s.w.t yang menjadi tujuan hidupnya. 

Oleh kerana itu, orang yang paling menikmati hidup adalah orang paling bersungguh-sungguh menjaga keikhlasannya. Setidaknya, orang yang sangat ikhlas akan sangat minimum rasa kecewanya terhadap sesuatu yang bersifat duniawi. Dia tidak akan didera oleh kekecewaan yang membuat hidupnya menjadi lemah.


Sebabnya ialah orang yang ikhlas menyakini bahawa dirinya hanya memiliki 2 kewajipan. Satu, meluruskan niat dan yang kedua, menyempurnakan ikhtiar. Meluruskan niat dan menyempurnakan ikhtiar! Baginya, apabila sudah berusaha sekuat tenaga, maka apa yang dilakukannya itu bersih dari keinginan apapun, kecuali untuk mengharapakn redha Allah s.w.t. Dia gigih menyempurnakan ikhtiar di jalan yang disukaiNya. Apapun yang terjadi baginya tidak akan rugi. Dia tidak akan kecewa oleh sesuatu yang bila tidak diinginkannya terjadi. 

Oleh kerana itu, kita tidak boleh mengikat diri kita dengan apa pun yang kita inginkan. Kerana kita ada rancangan, Allah s.w.t juga ada rancangan yang tersendiri. Kalau kita mempunyai keinginan, maka Allah s.w.t yang memberi ketetapan. Andai kata kita beramal dengan tulus, maka pada saat yang sama kita akan berbahagia dan sekaligus akan diangkat kemuliaan kita oleh Allah s.w.t. dengan demikian, hidup yang kita jalani akan lebih bermakna bagi dunia dan bererti bagi akhirat.

by: K. H. Abdullah Gymnastiar

Sama2 memburu keikhlasan,
Maka, milik kita kebahagiaan.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Weakness to Strength and to Weakness Again

A beautiful sight to see, a wonderful fact to ponder.
Let us have an active mind, and read loud with our hearts.
The signs of Allah's outstanding creation (Surah Rum, 30: 54)

It is God who creates you in a state of weakness, and then after weakness He brings about strength in you, and then after strength He brings about your weakness and old age. He creates what He wills; and He alone has all knowledge and power. (Verses 54)

“It is God who creates you in a state of weakness.” Literally, this is given in Arabic as “it is God who creates you from weakness,” which suggests to the Arabic reader that weakness is the substance from which man is made. The weakness in man’s formation meant here has several aspects to it. It includes:

(i) the physical weakness of the single, tiny cell that makes the foetus which goes through several stages, remaining weak throughout all of them. This weakness continues during childhood, until the person reaches adolescence and the prime of youth.

(ii) Another weakness is that of the substance from which man is made, which is clay. Had it not been for the breath of God’s spirit, man would have remained in the physical image of clay or in an animal image. Both of these are very weak compared to man.

(iii) There is also the psychological weakness that makes man yield to desire, passion and lust. It is again the breathing of God’s spirit into him that gives him the ability and resolve to resist such emotions. Without this spirit man would have been weaker than animals which behave according to their natures.

“It is God who creates you in a state of weakness, and then after weakness He brings about strength in you.” The strength mentioned here covers all those aspects discussed under weakness: strength in physical build, human potential, mental ability and psychological constitution.

“And then after strength he brings about your weakness and old age.” Again this new weakness applies to the whole human constitution. Old age is a decline into childhood in all aspects. It may be accompanied with psychological decline due to weakness of will. An old person may have an urge similar to that of a child without having the willpower to resist it. The Arabic word shaybah, translated here as ‘old age’ also connotes ‘grey hair’. It is specially selected here to give a tangible impression of old age.

No one escapes these stages. They never fail to affect anyone who survives; nor are they ever slow so as to come later than usual. These stages confirm that mankind is subject to a greater will that creates and determines as it pleases. That is the will of God who determines the age, life and stages of every creature in accordance with perfect knowledge and elaborate planning: “He creates what He wills; and He alone has all knowledge and power.” (Verse 54)
Fafiru Ilallah - Larilah Pada Allah
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