Alhamdulillah after all the struggles and under pressure i manage to finish my third semester in IIUM. Thanks Allah i manage to cope with my studies. the subject that i took for third sem was very2 tough. At first i was thinking to drop Manufacturing Process (ManuP). but my mom trust me that i can do it and she motivate me to keep on. She said that as long as i strive hard and do my utmost, Allah will help me. i ask for my mom's prayer too. Thanx mom, lov u always and always. i even ask for my lecturers advise. they told me to keep on.
Now i have already finished my final exam. it was really tough. my head almost blown out. huhu...
Start with leadership, my group n i went for an interview where we have to tell and state what kind of service or product that we have made within a month. what we did was selling sweets in the class.its a simple task though as we dont want to spend much time on this leadership. we did recycling too as our service. hence we call our company as "Sweet Ozone Company". BE FRESH WITH RECYCLE & SWEETS is our theme. Thanx to my group members for all the hard work.
After the leadership examination, i had 2 orals and 1 test for aerospace lab I. during that time my shedule was full with assigments and quizzes to be done. For just 1 credit hour i have to do reports, workbooks, orals, and test. very exhausted. the best part is when we did the experiment esp fluid lab where we get to play with water.hee...i mean the water as the favorite part is impact jet.
IIUM's final exam starts on 28th October if im not mistaken. my first paper was on 29th Oct: Thermal Science. this subject consists of thermodynamic and heat transfer. the essential part is to remember various kind of cycle like Carnot cycle, Otto cycle, Diesel cycle, Brayton cycle, Rankine cycle, Vapor-Compression Refrigeration Cycle so on and so forth. for heat transfer we have to master the transfer of heat either by conduction, convection or radiation. we didnt manage to finish the sylabus since there was too many topic to cover.
30th Oct: UNGS 2050 (Ethics n Fiqh). i like this subject.its jus about our reality.our everyday life. Ust Kabuye said to score this subject we must memorize quranic verse or hadith. as a class monitor, i have to keep the attendence sheet for my class. seems to be a little bit funny cause i was thinking that the boys should keep it. since i never skip this clas i got full mark for my participation 10/10. hee...hope that it helps for my final.
1st Nov: Mechanics of Material or in the short form we call it as MoM. Tips to score this subject is just by doing a lot of exercises. insyaA u'll get A. i gurantee u. but u have to understand the concept first of course. its just like static. as usual, the confusing part is to determine the +ve and the -ve sign. i did mistakes for my final.about this +ve and -ve sign.huhu...hope its not too obvious.
Then, i had 4 days to study and focus well since i have 3 papers without any gap. i was very2 tired, exhausted and worn out. each of this 3 papers consists of too many topics to cover. luckily i didnt miss and skip classes. it helps me a little bit. i just have to go through and do some of the past year papers.
6th Nov: Manufacturing Process
7th Nov: Fluid Mechanic
8th Nov: Math 4 (MTH 2212)
i try and i try to do my perform my best. Thanx Allah for giving me the strength to keep on and carry on with my studies. every time when i felt giving up, i read Qur'an to keep on motivated. such powerful words really calm me and confort me. insyaA after all the efforts that i did, i leave it to Allah to decide the best results for me.
i want to do my best for Islam.
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