Saturday, March 26, 2011

Melengkapi Sebuah Pengembaraan

-Tanah perkuburan UIA-

Selautan syukur tanpa sedikit kufur selayaknya dipanjatkan kepada Allah s.w.t kerana selepas mematikan kita pada malam semalam, Dia memilih kita untuk terus hidup, menjenguk dan mengintai kehidupan yang fana ini. Kita masih diberi pelbagai nikmat termasuk setiap helaan nafas yang turun dan naik, masih diberi peluang untuk beramal soleh supaya dapat menuai di hari kemudian. Selawat dan salam ke atas imam para muttaqqin, pemimpin para mujahidin x lain x bukan Rasul terakhir kita, ahli2 keluarga & sahabat2 Baginda dan juga orang2 yang mengikuti Baginda hingga hari Kebangkitan.

Pagi itu, entah mengapa tergerak hati saya untuk ziarah kubur. Selepas pekena nasi lemak di Sg.Pusu kami bertiga pun menyinggah sebentar di tanah perkuburan uia. Sudah lama saya tidak bertandang di situ. Ini bukanlah pertama kali saya menjejakkan kaki di sini malah mungkin kali ketiga, kalau x silap. Tapi Allah izin ada suatu kelainan daripada sebelum2 ini yang membuatkan saya terkenang2 dan berfikir dalam. Kami berkesempatan untuk bertemu dengan pakcik2 penggali kubur maka kami pun mengambil kesempatan ini untuk berbual2 sedikit dengan mereka.

Pakcik2 itu terus menghanyungkan cangkul,
sedang sibuk dan tekunmenggali kubur.

Kami: Pakcik, nanti ada upacara pengebumian ke kat sini?
Mereka: A'ah. Jenazah akan sampai pas zohor ni.
Kami: Owh...jenazah dari mane pakcik?
Mereka: UIA. Pakcik dah banyak dah tanam orang2 uia ni.
Mereka: Jenazah ni perempuan. Kamu kena banyak2kan zikir sikit.
Kami: InsyaAllah... (serentak)
Kami: Biasanya berapa dalam ni kena gali?
Mereka: Dalam 6 masta. tau masta?
Kami: Haa...??? (kehairanan. master??)
Mereka: 6 hasta
Kami: owh...biasanya ambil berapa lame?
Mereka: 4 jam
Kami: Lame la jugak ek pakcik. Mai nak tolong.
Kami: Pakcik, tadi kami nampak ada salah satu kubur tu berlubang. Dalam pulak tu. (Agak seram bila tengok) kenapa ek jadi macam tu selalu ke jadi macam tu?
Mereka: Oh..tu liang lahad terpatah agaknya.
Mereka: Kadang tanah x mampat. sebab tu kena pijak2 mayat
Kami: ye??? (kebingungan n kehairanan)
Ketika kami minta izin untuk berundur dulu, pakcik panggil...
Mereka: eh, x nak tengok sampai habis ke?
Kami: Xpe pakcik, kami balik dulu. Nanti insyaAllah kami datang lagi.

Bila muhasabah balik, janji itu benar2 semakin dekat dan menghampiri sedangkan hati ini selalu dalam kelalaian, menuju kepada hiburan dan cinta kepada kehidupan. Kita ghairah dengan kehidupan dan khuatir dengan kematian. Sedangkan dunia ini hanya sebuah persinggahan dan pengembaraan. Hanya penglihatan yang panjang dan pandangan yang dipacu oleh ketaqwaan akan mempunyai kekuatan dan kemampuan untuk menganalisa kehidupan duniawi. Teringat kata Muhammad Ahmad Ar-Rasyid dalam buku Ar-Raqa'iq, "Lupa kematian adalah awal penyimpangan"

Sungguh hati seorang mukmin akan dicekam rasa takut, gerun dan gelisah. Kadang terbayang di kotak fikiran bermain2 di ruangan mata, bagaimana agaknya keadaan akhir hayat kita nanti. Di saat semua pinjaman dikembalikan, di saat pipi bertemu dengan tanah, dan di saat penantian ke alam2 yang lain semua itu pasti dan pasti dilalui oleh setiap manusia yang bernyawa.

“Ya Allah, berilah kami taufik kepada kebaikan dan istiqamah di atasnya sampai akhir hidup kami. Jangan jadikan kami silau dan tertipu dengan kehidupan dunia yang fana hingga melupakan pertemuan dengan-Mu. Matikanlah kami dalam keadaan husnul khatimah. Lindungi kami dari azab kubur dan dari seksa neraka yang amat pedih. Ya Arhamar Rahimin, berilah nikmat kepada kami dengan surga-Mu yang seluas langit dan bumi. Amin Ya Rabbal ‘Alamin."

Selalulah jenguk kuburan, ambillah pelajaran dan
jangan kita disibukkan oleh anagan-angan

Sendiri Bertemankan Sepi,
Hanya Kain Putih Yang Membaluti Tubuhku,
Terbujur Dan Kaku,
Jasad Terbujur Didalam Keranda Kayu.

Ajal Yang Datang Dibuka Pintu ,
Tiada Siapa Yang Memberi Tahu,
Tiada Siapa Pun Dapat Hindari,
Tiada Siapa Yang Terkecuali,
Lemah Jemari Nafas Terhenti,
Tidak Tergambar Sakitnya Mati,
Cukup sekali Jasadku Untuk Mengulangi,

Menanti di Barzakh (Far East)

My lil brother used to love this song very much. Usually during my vacation, before he went to bed, he would grab my hand phone and played this music repeatedly until he falls asleep. His way of doing reflection, i believe...

Sekiranya anda ada masa? Bacalah Perjalanan Roh Selepas Kematian di sini.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

First Mission: Accomplished!


-F-9 Team with my treasured lecturer-

Designing and fabricating an aircraft was surely a headache. I have to admit that. Starts from the very scratch, we did assumptions, calculations, analysis and then the drawings so that we have a clear picture of an aircraft-to-be before we proceed with the fabrication. But when you are in the stage of fabrication, then you will realize that how hard it is to ensure that each component functions and performs effectively as you planned. At this point we need to be patient in trial and error, dare to take risk and a lot of testing one by one. There are some loses and we were also cheated by the retailer, but you see, learning from mistakes is always the best curriculum for self-improvement especially when you work in a team.

Alhamdulillah, many hands truly make light work. After the countless effort of working together plus with a consultation of an expert person, we managed to finish it earlier. Nevertheless, the worrying part is the flight test stage whereby we need to ensure that the aircraft could take off, climb, cruise and land accordingly. The first test, it was a failure. Well, it did take off well, climb and cruise but then with the lack of battery power, it fell down and crashed. Ouch…it did hurt himself. So we try to fix it. Even after the front arm was broken, but giving up was not the choice.

There was a silence. You should see our expressions, everyone was worrying and hoping that there’s still a chance. We were pretending and forcing ourselves to put on the fake smile, convincing ourselves not to worry and everything will be okay. After the amendments and the recitation of basmallah, we went for the second test and guess what, mission accomplished, Alhamdulillah. Everyone was contented and relieved. Need I say anything more than Alhamdulillah! Certainly it was with His help and assist that the F-9 aircraft flew successfully. Subhanallah! You should have seen it, up in the sky, F-9 pusher aircraft finally flying happily with the birds chirping around, such an awesome feeling and surrounding. It was surely a fun and enjoyable experience when you had been given a chance to work in this field area. Thank you Allah for everything, thank you.

O Allah, there is nothing easy except what You make easy,
and You make the difficult easy if it be Your Will.

Some components and parts of aircraft to be considered and analyzed.

The control panel and the aircraft

Transmitter control

FYP II Schedule

Next mission: Remaining Mini-Projects, Presentations, Final Exams &
of course Final Year Project of Hot Water Rocket.

Life is too short and time is too precious to be wasted so please make a doa for me and hoping that all of you doing your very best in your work field area. May Allah place us in a place that is good for our dunya and for our akhirah. Ameen. Till then, see you later, InshaAllah.

In memory: F-9 Aircraft

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Must-Read Comic

Assalamu'alaikum wbt.

After countless efforts of planning and hard work plus with Allah's wish and permission (bi iznillah), IIUM Journalism Club would like to present to you the first edition of JC.COMIC, Alhamdulillah. This essential graphic comic is a must-read comic for anyone interested in the medium.

Front and back cover

Behind every curtain, a story.
Under every flagstone, a legend.
Around every corner, a miracle.
An unlikely beauty that’s waiting to be discovered.

For those who are interested to get a copy of this first edition JC.COMIC, you can kindly give your name, contact number, and mahallah to our representative below:

Br: Helmi - 013-7282685 /
Sr: Mastura - 019-3642048 /

*P/S Congratulations to those who have struggled and helped direct or indirectly in realizing this JC.Comic. May Allah count it as amal soleh and may He grant us all Paradise out of His mercy. Ameen...

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Jalan Dakwah - MM

"Jalan dakwah hanya satu. Jalan inilah yang dilalui oleh Rasulullah s.a.w. dan para sahabat baginda. Demikian juga kita dan para pendokong dakwah, sama-sama melaluinya berpandukan taufik dari Allah s.w.t. Kita dan mereka melaluinya berbekalkan iman, amal, mahabbah (kasih sayang) dan ukhuwwah (persaudaraan). Rasulullah s.a.w. menyeru mereka kepada iman dan amal, kemudian menyatupadukan hati-hati mereka di atas dasar mahabbah dan ukhuwwah. Berpadulah kekuatan iman, kekuatan akidah dan kekuatan persatuan. Jadilah jamaah mereka jamaah yang ideal sebagai model. Kalimahnya mesti lahir dan dakwahnya pasti menang walaupun ditentang oleh seluruh penghuni muka bumi ini."

Dipetik dari buku TARIQUD DAKWAH (Jalan Dakwah), yang merupakan penulisan lanjutan daripada karya imam Mustafa Masyhur yang terdahulu iaitu Zadun 'Ala Tariq (Bekalan di Jalan Dakwah)

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

When it's Too Late

Bismillah ArRahman ArRahim

"People are asleep;
when they die, they awaken"

(Surah Al-Mu'min: 45-50)

I remembered in one of our weekly meeting, one of the members brought up these verses. It made me think and ponders how todays life is valuable and will determine our conditions at The Judgment Day and also in Hereafter. So, treasure each second a valuable moment with kindness, humanity, charity and all good things which is coupled with pure intention (ikhlas). Wallahu'alam. Allahumma inni asaluka ‘ilman nafi’a wa rizqan thoyiba wa ‘amalan mutaqobbala. Ameen…

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Think beyond the Needle

Bismillah ArRahman ArRahim

Last few days, I came down with a terrible cold. With the runny nose, I have trouble breathing through it. Then a tiny sharp needle was like poking my bone continuously. I lost my attention in classes even though I did try to catch up with the lectures. The painfulness distracts my interest. The next day, my head was heavy overwhelmed with dizziness. As I try to move around the pain was getting worse. I felt tired and depleted, but worst of all I lost my focus and concentration in doing my routine work. With such much pain, I don’t have any option except for went to bed earlier than before.

It wasn’t easy. With the overworking duties, not getting enough sleep and missing meals might be the major factors to my pain. Pains are like needles, once it strike it does hurt even though it might not be severe injuries. But, I realized that that was not all. The pains are actually helping me to relief, to relax and to heal. To relief means freeing me from anxiety as a small voice keep on whispering slowly that you’re not alone. To relax means to have some rest for a moment from these worldly matters. And to heal me from such sins which might prevents me from gaining Allah’s pleasure. Deep inside my heart, I thank Allah for the golden chance of having so much pleasure. Indeed, relaxation relies on the exhaustion (Kepenatan itu suatu kerehatan). Wallahu'Alam.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Breaking Promise

Promise is easy to make but hard to deliver. Why? Because every promise, there is price to pay right? Undoubtedly keeping one’s word are characteristics of the believers, and breaking promises is one of the characteristics of the munafiq, as was narrated from ‘Abd-Allaah ibn ‘Amr (may Allaah be pleased with him) that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:

“There are four (characteristics), whoever has them is a hypocrite, and whoever has one of the four has a characteristic of hypocrisy unless he gives it up: when he speaks, he lies; when he makes a promise he breaks it; what he makes a pledge he betrays it; and when he disputes he resorts to foul language.” Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 2327; Muslim, 58.

Well actually, at the very beginning of this semester, I hope and promise to myself to update my blog at least once two weeks. But seems like it turns up the other way round, perhaps I only manage to write once 2month. Ish3…lately I have such a lack of motivation to write something here. But reading my fellow friends’ blog makes me boosted up again. Hopefully, I wouldn’t break my promise again since breaking promise is not the attributes of a Mukmin.

Losers make promises they often break.
Winners make commitments they always keep.
~Denis Waitley
Fafiru Ilallah - Larilah Pada Allah
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