1. Open Microsoft Office Word
2. Type this in capital letter: Q33 NY
3. Then highlight these words and change it to a bigger size: 90
4. Highlight it again and change the font to Wingdings
What did u see???
Well, what i saw is an aircraft striking World Trade Center, WTC (the twin tower) with a picture of a skull and crossbones (death) and The Star of David. What does that means??
Oh ya...Did you know that a flight number from one of the planes that hit one of the two towers was Q33NY. haha...i dont know whether it is true or not.
Some people said that this was just a made up. They claimed that the flights that struck WTC was actually American Airlines flight #11 (Boeing 767-223ER, registration numberN334AA) and United Airlines flight #175 (Boeing 767-222/ER, registration number N612UA). But, guess what Flight 175 had a tail number of N612UA. This number is still in use today. This suggests that the plane which struck the WTC North Tower was not Flight 175.
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