Tuesday, May 10, 2011

In Being Humble

Bismillah Ar rahman Ar rahim
In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Compassionate


It is reported from Saidina Ali r.a. that he said: The one who shows off has three characteristics: He is lazy when by himself, he is lively and energetic when with others and he increases in his actions when he is praised and decreases in them when he is criticized.

At one time, it is important for us to check and reflect either the deeds that we have done is pure and not contaminated by other intentions because we don’t want at the end of the day, we realized that Allah did not even pleased by any of our good actions just because of our wrong intentions.

An explanation to the Hadith "Your actions alone will not save any of you".

It needs to come with ikhlas. How can an intelligent person be amazed with his deeds when these deeds are one of Allah's blessings, He is the only one that makes us able to do such and such and He is the only one that touched and moved our heart to embrace and accept the teachings of Islam. So how could we be so proud if it isn’t by His will.

Wallahu’alam. Short reminder in calling myself to become sincere and whole-heartedly want to be closer to Him for only His pleasure and no one else.

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