Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Different Vision #1

In picture: Jet Engine Boeing 747. Looks simple huh...
but you will never believe the complicated system that lies beneath it.

From a small and tiny to large and huge living being that Allah has created, we will never completely understand nor replicate exactly the same thing that Allah has created for us.

"O men! Here is a parable set forth! listen to it! Those on whom, besides Allah, ye call, cannot create (even) a fly, if they all met together for the purpose! and if the fly should snatch away anything from them, they would have no power to release it from the fly." [Al-Hajj, 22: 73]

In Picture: Airplane Accidents - Jet Engine on Fire.
When we become careless or too over confident, accidents may occur

But Allah is always there, standing just right beside us, indeed He is very near, willingly to help whenever we are in need. What we need to do is just ask and ask from Him with all our heart. Allah always have an answer for our Duas, ujibu da'watad daa'i iza da'aan. But only with one condition which is:

"Let them also, with a will, listen to My call, and believe in Me; That they may walk in the right way." [Al-Baqarah, 2: 186]

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Sebuah Pesanan AMAL SOLEH

Bismillahi Ar-Rahmani Ar-Rahim

Wasiat Saidina Ali karamallahu wajhah:

"Apabila kamu merasa letih kerana melakukan kebaikan maka sesungguhnya keletihan itu akan hilang dan kebaikan itu akan terus kekal. Dan sekiranya kamu berseronok dgn melakukan dosa (maksiat) maka sesungguhnya keseronokan itu akan hilang dan dosa itu akan tetap berkekalan."

Pesanan AMAL SOLEH Imam Al-Ghazali:

"Pertama telah ku pandang makhluk yang banyak ini, maka aku menyaksikan bahawa tiap2 mereka mempunyai kekasih dan kecintaan tempat hatinya tertambat. Sebahagian daripada kekasih hanya mendampingi sampai ke sakit yang membawa maut dan sebahgian lagi hanya sampai ke tepi liang kubur. Setelah itu kesemuanya pulang dan meninggalkan dia terbaring seorang diri. Tak seorang jua pun yang turut masuk ke kubur dan menghiburkannya. Yang demikian tak ku dapati selain amalan soleh. Sebab itu maka ku ambil ia menjadi kekasihku. Supaya kelak ia menjadi pelita di dalam kuburku, menghiburkan dan tidak meninggalkan aku seorang diri."

Akhir kalam, Saidina Umar Al-Khattab:

"Sesiapa yang mencintai akhirat, dunia pasti menyertainya"

Jadi mari kita terus beramal soleh. Memberi sepenuh komitmen untuk beramal dengan penuh keikhlasan. Bulan Ramadhan pun kian hampir, sama2 kita menuju puncak taqwa. Melatih, mendidik dan mengasuh diri kita dalam bulan ketenteraan sangat menguntungkan bahkan menenangkan jiwa kerana ia berupaya untuk mentransformkan diri kita menjadi manusia yang hebat, taat dan terus dekat dengan Allah. Jadi yup, sama2 kita merebut peluang ini. Terus memburu barakah dan beramal soleh!


Abu Hurairah melaporkan, Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda:
"Sesiapa yang mendirikan / menghidupkan malam Ramadhan dengan penuh keimanan dan keikhlasan, diampunkan segala dosa." Direkodkan oleh Bukhari & Muslim

23 Sya'aban 1432H
24 July 2011

Monday, July 18, 2011

Flashback: In being together

Bismillah Ar rahman Ar rahim
In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Compassionate

Bursts of Colour
Let them bloom over and over again

It is really part of those simple joys of life I treasure and for that, I am so grateful I have friends who always push me going forward into such healthy activities. Every once in a while, usually before the beginning of our semester, we plan and decide our semester activities and all these activities have its own purposes and objectives. Though, there are also activities that weren’t planned at the beginning, but Allah made it run smoothly and without any flaws especially when it comes to informal activities. Yeah, it is truly a memorable and wonderful day of being together! There is really nothing I want except a bunch of caring and sharing people like them!

It’s really interesting to meet different kinds of people with different kinds of personality. Such simple activities actually make you become closer and closer. And sometimes, during the moments of free time, I do wonder how long I have this awesome chance to stay with them, us being all together like this? You forget time waits for no one and this will definitely come to a close one day, to move on a new place, a new life, changing scenery. Of course, InsyaAllah, that will have its own joys and wonders but what I have now, I must not forget to cherish it while it is still here. I love you guys from the bottom of my heart.

You know what, in the small steps to Jannah friends and companions play the important roles. The Prophet Muhammad s.a.w said: "You will not enter Paradise until you have faith, and you will not have faith until you love each other. Shall I direct you to something which if you fulfill you will love one another? Spread salam amongst yourselves." Sahih Muslim (Book 001, Number 0096)

May Allah preserve and strengthening our ukhuwwah always!

'Khoiru Ummah' Family Day
Thanx to kak Am for her wonderful unique drawing

Fafiru Ilallah - Larilah Pada Allah
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