Saturday, April 1, 2017

My Blog Section

You know what, the best thing of being a mum is when you cuddle your lil baby and he smile while he's sleeping. What a lovely moment. Leaving your mum to have a good rest without worrying a thing. Aaahhh...just what all mum need it. Sometimes it is great to write what we have gone through up and down in our life in here. Not to shout to everyone but just to keep it as a diary what we have been doing all these long. The important dates and memorable moment that change our status / stage of life is something to be treasured. Don't you think so? So I planned to write this blog into 5 sections. These 5 sections are as below:

Sections of this blog:

1. Working Mama

2. Kids Activity

3. Safi's Kitchen

4. Traveling

5. Product Reviews

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Rescheduling My Night with Surah

I remembered when I was in secondary school at Ma'ahad At-Tarbiyyah Al-Islamiyah (MATRI) since I was in form 1 until form 5, we used to recite these Surah (Chapter's of Holy Quran) before going to sleep. We usually rotate between these Surah and it had become a habit. But after many years graduated from that school it started to disappear and my memorization of these Surah was getting bad too. It was awfully started to fade away and this is probably because I have take it for granted.

You know what, each and every time we are in bad situation, we always wish there is someone to talked to, someone to turn to. And I found out by reading Quran are the best medicine in healing my sorrowfulness. So, I am listing these down here in order to turn back, memorize the verses and comprehend the meaning. This is a step forward to improve myself as a human being. So, here we are:

Everyday is a step closer to The Creator

1. Surah Al-Mulk
Sunday night

2. Surah Al-Waqiah
Monday night

3. Surah AsSajadah
Tuesday night

4. Surah Yasin
Wednesday night

5. Surah Ad-Dukhan
Thursday night

Pohon Keimanan

Sesungguhnya tiap2 pohon itu mengukapkan sesuatu dari karekteristik iman, sujudnya seiring dengan penampilan penghambaan dirinya kepada Allah. Jd mari sesaat kita menyendiri dibawah pepohonan menjadi faktor yang dapat menggugah kelalaian hati dan sebagai jalan untuk kembali bertaubat kepada Ilahi.

Friday, October 2, 2015

Terasa Bahagia

Setiap orang mahu kan kebahgiaan, jesturu mereka mencari2 sumber kebahgiaan. Orang yang bahagia akan rasa kepuasan dalam hidupnya. Tapi masing2 mempunyai definasi kebahgiaan yg berlainan. Ada orang mengatakan siapa yang sudah berkahwin, baru akan mengerti makna kebahgiaan. Ada orang pula berpendapat apabila sudah dikurniakan anak baru akan rasa bahagia. Tetapi bagi saya kenyataan2 yang dilontarkan tadi sangat bertentangan dengan apa yang saya rasai dan lalui. Boleh jadi kedua perkara tersebut jadi asbab untuk kita bahagia tetapi bila diuji n dtimpa musibah kt akan berbolak balik.

Saya pernah berjumpa dengan pasangan yang kecewa dengan perkahwinannya, lantas terasa terseksa bila mengenangkan alam rumah tangganya. Saya juga pernah berjumpa dengan ibu yang meningking anaknya dan saya juga pernah bertemu dengan orang yang mahu serahkan anaknya kepada orang lain. Allahu Allah... Rupanya kebahgiaan itu bukan terletak pada faktor itu kan. Bahkan kebahgiaan itu adalah kurniaan atau anugerah yg tidak boleh dibeli dengan wang dan harta. Kuncinya terletak kepada kita. Sejauh mana kita mendefinasikan kebahgiaan itu. Jika kita tidak dapat ketenangan dalam kehidupan, maka kebahgiaan itu masih jauh dari bayangan kita.

Carilah kebahgiaan kerana kebahgiaan itu milik semua orang dimuka bumi ini. Pandanglah langit, pandanglah lautan, koreksi diri, benda apa yang hendak dicari? Pinta lah pada Allah, penguasa seluruh alam. Kerana hanya Dia sahaja yang boleh membahagiakan kita. Ada orang bahagia walaupun dalam kesempitan. Ada pula orang sengsara walau penuh dengan kenikmatan. Allahu Allah... Perkara ini sangat abstract kan. Tapi bila kita sudah temui kuncinya kita akan TERASA BAHAGIA.

Friday, June 12, 2015

Baiti Jannati

"Kana kullu amrihi 'ajaba"
Semua perilakunya menakjubkan bagiku

Kuteringat dengan Aisyah, isteri Nabi yang paling dicinta sesudah Khadijah. Ibnu Umar pernah datang kepadanya dan berkata, "Izinkan kami di sini sejenak dan ceritakanlah kepada kami perkara paling mempesona dari semua yang pernah engkau saksikan pada diri Nabi."

Aisyah menarik nafas panjang. Kemudian dengan berisak menahan tangis, ia berkata dengan suara lirih, "Kana kullu amrihi 'ajaba. Semua perilakunya menakjubkan bagiku."

Masih dengan suara lirih, Aisyah bercerita, "Suatu malam, ketika dia tidur bersamaku dan kulitnya sudah bersentuhan dengan kulitku, dia berkata, 'Ya Aisyah, izinkan aku beribadah kepada Tuhanku.' Aku berkata, 'Sesungguhnya aku senang merapat denganmu, tetapi aku juga senang melihatmu beribadah kepada Tuhanmu.' Dia bangkit mengambil gharaba air, lalu berwudhu. Ketika berdiri solat, ku dengar dia terisak-isak menangis hingga airmatanya membasahi janggut. Kemudian dia bersujud dan menangis hingga lantai pun basah oleh air mata. Lalu dia berbaring dan menangis hingga datanglah bilal untuk memberitahukan datangnya waktu Subuh."

Aisyah melanjutkan, "Bilal berkata, 'Ya Rasul Allah, kenapa engkau menangis padahal Allah telah ampuni dosa2mu baik yang terdahulu maupun yang akan datang.' 'Bukankah aku belum menjadi hamba yang bersyukur?' kata Rasulullah, 'Aku menangis kerana malam tadi Allah telah turunkan ayat kepadaku, 'Sesungguhnya dalam penciptaan langit dan bumi serta pergantian malam dan siang benar2 terdapat tanda2 bagi orang2 yang berakal.' Kemudian Nabi bersabda, 'Celakalah orang yang membaca ayat ini namun tidak merenungkannya.'"

Ibnu Katsir menukil peristiwa ini ketika menafsirkan surah Ali Imran, 3: 190-191.

-Saat Berharga Untuk Anak Kita
Pengarang: Mohammad Fauzil Adhim

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Take Back Your Heart - YM

No one likes to fall. And few people would ever choose to drown. But in struggling through the ocean of this life, sometimes it's so hard not to let the world in. Sometimes the ocean does enters us. The dunya seep into our hearts. And like the water that breaks the boat, when dunya enters, it shatters our heart. It shatters the boat.

We drowned.

If you allow dunya to own your heart, like the ocean that owns the boat, it will take over. You will sink down to the depths of the sea. You will touch the ocean floor. And you will fell as though you were at your lowest point. Entrapped by your sins and the love of this life, you will feel broken, surrounded by darkness. That's the amazing thing about the floor of the ocean. No light reaches it.

However, this dark place is not the end. Remember that the darkness of night precedes the dawn. And as long as your heart still beats, this is not the death of it. You don't have to die here. Sometimes, the ocean floor is only a stop on the journey. And it is when you are at this lowest point, that you are faced with a choice. You can stay there at the bottom, until you drown. Or you can gather pearls and rise back up - stronger from the swim and richer from the jewels.

Seek God to bring you back up, for when He does, He will rebuild your ship. The heart that you thought was forever damaged will be mended. What was shattered will be whole again. Know that only He can do this. Seek Him.

And when He saves you, beg forgiveness for the fall, feel remorse over it - but not despair. As ibnul Qayyim has said: "Satan rejoiced when Adam came out of Paradise, but he did not know that when a diver sink into the sea, he collects pearls and then rises again."


Ocean of The Dunya - YM

This worldly life, the dunya, is just like the ocean. And our hearts are the ships. We can use the ocean for our needs and as a means to get to our final destination. But the ocean is only that: a means. It is a means for seeking food of the sea. It is a means of travel. It is a means of seeking a higher purpose. But it is something which we only pass through, yet never think to remain in. Imagine what would happen if the ocean became our end - rather than just a means.

Eventually we would drown.

As long as the ocean's water remains outside the ship, the ship will continue to float and be in control. But what happens as soon as the water creeps into the ship? What happens when the dunya is not just water outside of our hearts, when the dunya is no longer just a means? What happens when the dunya enters our heart?

That is when the boat sinks.

That is when the heart is taken hostage and becomes a slave. And that is when the dunya - which was once under our control - begins to control us. When the ocean's water enters and overtakes a ship, that ship is no longer in control. The boat then becomes at the mercy of the oceans.

The moment we let the dunya enter our hearts, we will sink. The ocean was never intended to enter the boat; it was intended only as a means that must remain outside of it. The dunya, too, was never intended to enter our heart. It is only a means that must not enter or control us. This is why Allah s.w.t repeatedly refers to the dunya in the Quran as a mata'a. The word mata'a can be translated as a "resource for transitory worldly delight". It is a resource. It is a tool. It is the path - not the destination.


Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Changing Personality Starts from Solah

As long as we still live in this world,
We still have a wide opportunity to do changes

Pure heart, Pure mind and Pure action

Sunday, November 16, 2014

When Lack of Motivation

Today I have learned a valueable lesson in my life. When someone is lack of motivation, then he will tend to give a hundreds and thousands of reason to quit and not putting an effort. But when you have the motivation and you are optimistic with your future, then he will put a hundreds and thousands of effort to the short journey. Yeay... I call it a short journey since what we have today is mortal and temporary. We will be called for the Judgement Day either we will be punished or rewarded, it will all depends on our action in this world. The action that wins Allah's heart will have an endless rewarding day.

We are running out of time. But for a true believer will optimize the usage of time. Find a true friend to communicate with you, to guide you in seeking the purpose of life. I was happy to see those in 'bulatan gembira'. It really helps me in giving me the encouragement and momentum to be a great muslimah. You want a great reward then you have to do great things. From now on I am going to fully utilize my time, they even advice me to recite surah Al-Mulk, Yassin and Al-Waqiah everyday. And see the extraordinary difference in your routine life.

Fafiru Ilallah - Larilah Pada Allah
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